Monday, April 2, 2012


An open mind, open heart, open soul. 

What better way to go through life than to encompass all three of these things. Open the door to opportunity, to possibility, to change, to love. Open yourself to the ability to experience things ecstatically.

In order to get what you want in life, you often have to go beyond what you thought you were capable of. That's how we grow. 

Achieving goals isn't just about getting what you're going after. It's also about forcing yourself to become better, wiser, and stronger so that you can take on even bigger goals.

Determination is one of the keys to success. Often times, people know exactly what they need to do in order to achieve the life that they want but still aren't able to make it happen. 

One big reason is that they give up too early. No one ever said reaching your dreams is going to be easy. In fact, it's hard and that's why most people fail to live the life that they want. Most people don't experience the life of their dreams simply because they quit way too easily. Not giving up on your dreams also means to be smart however. You can try all you want but if you're taking the wrong set of actions, you're not going to get very far. 

Obstacles can either defeat us or cause us to fight even harder. Whether you achieve your desired outcome or not will depend on how you react when things don't go your way. Will you just give up or will you keep trying until you succeed?

Life is going to find way to test you. At times, you may feel that life is unfair. The urge to quit during these times are the highest but don't give in. Whatever your dream is, if it's important to you, then fight for it. Just remember that there is more than one way to achieve your dreams. If one way doesn't work, just change your strategy. 

Never giving up doesn't mean you keep doing the wrong things over and over, it means to be smart and figure out the correct actions to take and then taking them until you achieve your dreams.

Stay strong and focused on your dreams. It's about not letting challenges stop you from living the life you want. Who you are now, or what you've demonstrated up until now, does not define who you will become. What you choose to do today, at this moment, will. Past mistakes, failures, wasted time and opportunities mean nothing. They are merely lessons to be quickly acknowledged and learned, nothing more. What counts is what you will do right now to become the person you were meant to be.

Hope is that feeling that the things we want will be achieved or certain events will turn out for the best. We tend to hope when things aren't going so well. You may hope to get into your first choice college or to land that job or to meet your soul mate. For many people, hope is all they have. Is hoping a good thing? In some aspects it is. It at least gives you strength or a reason to keep moving forward. If you didn't at least think that there is some light at the end of the tunnel, you may decide to stop walking.

On the other hand, hoping alone might not get you very far. You can hope for a better life but until you roll up your sleeves and get to work on creating a better future, chances are, it's not going to just magically happen.

Keep in mind that happiness is just a feeling that you yourself can create from within. If you are feeling unhappy right now, then chances are, you have set up some rules that might be a bit too unreasonable. If you make it easy to be happy, you will experience this feeling a lot more frequently. You don't need loads of money or trophies to be happy. You can be happy just to be able to wake up in the morning. The choice is really yours. It's easier to do what we feel like at any given moment but in order to get what you want, you will have to be able to get yourself to do the things that you know you should be doing even when you don't feel like it. It can be a daily struggle but when you reach your goals despite as a result of doing what you needed to do even when you didn't feel like it, you will know it was all worth it.

We all get hit and knocked down in life. It's just part of the experience but it's really not about avoiding these hits; it's about being able to get back up every time you are knocked down. 

It's not always easy to want to get back up. Often times, it's a lot easier to just stay down but whether you stay down or get back up, life will still go on so you might as well fight.

You must have faith in yourself. Faith is having belief in something even if there is no proof or evidence. Many people correlate faith and religion although it can relate to many other things. When you get into a relationship, having faith that things will work out will help. Some might think that believing blindly in something is foolish. Perhaps it is on some level but without some faith, taking risks in order to succeed can be scary enough to stop you from taking action. 

I hope this helps you realize that you have what it takes to live the life you truly desire. All you have to do is go out there and claim it.

Life is crazy short ; so you want to make the best out of it while you still can.

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