Monday, July 9, 2012


There are a few questions which have been bothering me since I attended a Women's Commission meeting in our Church community. The commission focusses on giving equal status to women with men not only amongst catholics but in society as a whole. It also helps women to learn to live with dignity rather than face life long pain and neglect due to the atrocities done to them by our PATRIARCHAL society.

There was a topic discussion brought forward on spiritual aspect that God is not necessarily our Father but our Mother as well and instead in our prayers we should use terms like Almighty One, Heavenly One, O Divine and Powerful God etc. instead of using Father or Abba etc. They did say that wherever possible just make changes in the prayers or hymns else leave it as it is. God has motherly feelings. But we venerate Mother Mary and usually turn to her to intercede for us. God has been basically father figure. Is it necessary to go deeper in that aspect of making changes in mindset of people towards prayers and hymns? Should we focus on gender equality on a spiritual aspect ? I think this is prevalent in other religions as well in some form or the other so you can answer as per what you think in your terms.

When we think of washing clothes, stitching, child care, nurse, secretary, the first thing that comes to mind is a woman but when we say Dhobi, tailor, doctor, PR, it is a man. But there is less dignity shown to a woman in her work when its basically the same work and she is probably multi- tasking as well.

Children should be educated since a very young age that tasks should not be segregated; for example kho-kho for girls, basketball for a boys, cooking for girls or playing video games for boys. Everyone should know and do each other's house chores in rotation and it should be inculcated in them that there is no shame in doing it.

What is your say about all this? Other related questions or views are also accepted as comments here. Please forgive me if I have crossed a line I dont know about. Id appreciate it if you would make me aware.